Home Releases 2023, №3 (51)


General history , UDC: 433.93. 930 (574)+94 «17-18» DOI: 10.25688/20-76-9105.2023.51.3.11


  • Uderbaeva Saule Karibaevna PhD in History


The Oirats played an important role in the modern history of Central Asia. Currently, many aspects of the history of the Oirats that need to be rethought are becoming the subject of study by a number of modern researchers. The recently increased interest in the history of the Oirats in the scientific literature actualizes the subject of this article. In our work, we would like to analyze the historical literature of the new millennium, which reveals the issues of the history of the Oirats, their role in international processes in Central Asia in modern times. The purpose of this article is to review modern scientific concepts presented in the latest scientific research devoted to rethinking the role of the Oirats in the history of Central Asia in modern times, trends and trends in historiography, new paradigms and approaches. The historiographical review of the key works devoted to the history of the Kazakh-Russian-Dzhungar-Chinese relations led to the conclusion that in the new XXI millennium the history of the Oirats has become the subject of close analysis of the international historical community. The scientific works presented in the review are distinguished by an innovative approach, conceptual rethinking and study from new methodological positions of the role of the Oirats as the main actors in the history of international relations in Central Asia in modern times.

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Uderbaeva, S. K. (2023). OIRATS IN THE STRUCTURE OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS IN CENTRAL ASIA: MODERN HISTORIOGRAPHY OF THE PROBLEM Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2023, №3 (51), 155. https://doi.org/10.25688/20-76-9105.2023.51.3.11
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