The scientific journal “MCU Journal of Historical Studies” has been published since 2008. Since 2011 it has been included in “The list of reviewed scientific publications wherein research results from ‘Candidate of Science’ and ‘Doctor of Science’ academic degrees dissertations are to be published”.
The journal mission is disseminating information on fundamental and applied research results in the fields of both national and global history, as well as historical education. The Editor welcomes academic and professional discussion of recent publications (monographs, collections of domestic and foreign researchers’ scientific articles) in review format, which provides competitive nature of research schools and areas, scientific dialogue and pluralism of scientific opinions.
The journal accepts original articles, review essays and summaries on the following subject areas: 5.6.1 Otechestvennaya Istoriya (National History), 5.6.2 Vseobshchaya Istoriya (Global History).
The journal target audience is domestic and foreign specialists in the Humanities, researchers, applicants for academic degrees, students, and those interested in History.
The Journal Subject Categories
- The History of Russia: from Ancient Times to 1917
- The Contemporary History of Russia
- Global History
- Critique. Reviews. Historical Journalism
- Educational Issues of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines

Viktor V. Ryabov – Doctor of Historical Sciences (07.00.02 – National History), Professor, Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Education. President of Moscow City University. Russia. Moscow (