The manuscripts submitted should comply with the requirements of relevance, scientific significance, novelty and reliability of the materials.

The Editorial Board makes a decision to publish the manuscript on the basis of its members’ expert assessment as well as reports of the referees who are recognized specialists in the reviewed subject area. 

The manuscript may be rejected before reviewing in the following cases:

  • the manuscript subject does not correspond to that of the journal;
  • the manuscript has been published in some other journal;
  • the manuscript contains high percentage of unacknowledged borrowings;
  • the manuscript reveals a fundamental contradiction to the journal ethical principles;
  • the manuscript is of low academic value;  
  • the manuscript does not comply with the journal formatting requirements.

If the manuscript is rejected, the author is sent a reasoned refusal or a review copy.

The Editorial Board reserves the right, with the contributor’s consent, to shorten and edit the manuscript, while maintaining its essence, content, and integrity.

The materials published in the journal reflect the author’s point of view, which may differ from that of the Editorial Board. The authors are responsible for the factual materials and data provided in the paper.