Remorenko Igor’ Mihajlovich – chairman, rector, MCU, Doctor of Pedagogy, docent, Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation, Corresponding member, Russian Academy of Education, Russia, Moscow (info@mgpu.ru)
Agranat Dmitrij Lvovich – deputy chairman, vice-rector for Learning and Teaching, Doctor of Sociology, docent, Russia, Moscow (AgranatDL@mgpu.ru)
Gevorkyan Elena Nikolaevna – deputy chairman, first vice-rector, MCU, Doctor of Economics, professor, Academic, Russian Academy of Education, Russia, Moscow (gevorcian@mgpu.ru)
Ryabov Viktor Vasil’evich – deputy chairman, President, MCU, Doctor of History, professor, Corresponding member, Russian Academy of Education, Russia, Moscow (RyabovV@mgpu.ru)