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History of Russia: from ancient times to 1917 , UDC: 94(47).083


  • Stogov Dmitry I. Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor


The article is devoted to the charitable activities of Russian right-wing (Black Hundred and nationalist) organizations during the First World War. The author of the article classifies the forms of charitable activities of Russian right-wing organizations and individuals who shared monarchical views: assistance to the wounded and refugees, the creation of hospitals and hospices, donations to the army and all those in need, the development of public education, targeted assistance to individuals. The author of the publication introduces new historical sources into scientific circulation, including archival, as well as some materials of the periodical press. The article concludes that the charitable activities of the Russian right during the First World War were very effective: many people in need actually received real help from right-wing structures. At the same time, given the general state of crisis experienced by the Russian right in the pre-revolutionary years, and, as a result, the decrease in the number of their ranks, it can be concluded that the right managed to bring to life in the field of charity far from everything that was originally intended. The February Revolution and the subsequent liquidation of the right-wing monarchical structures finally put an end to Russian right-wing organizations, including their charitable activities.

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Stogov, D. I. (2024). CHARITABLE ACTIVITIES OF RUSSIAN MONARCHISTS DURING THE FIRST WORLD WAR Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 3 (55),
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