Home Releases 2021, №4 (44)


General history , UDC: 94 DOI: 10.25688/20-76-9105.2021.44.4.09


  • Rabush Taisiуa V. candidate of history sciences


In the majority of Russian and foreign studies, Afghanistan in the 19th century viewed as an object of the Great Game of Britain and the Russian Empire, and not as an active subject of international relations. The purpose of this article is to give an answer to the question to what extent one can talk about the role of Afghanistan as an active foreign policy actor in the period of time considered in this work. The main part of the article examines the policy of the Afghan emirs Dost Muhammad Khan, Sher Ali Khan and Abdurrahman Khan, aimed at expanding the Afghan state, returning territories lost by Afghanistan at the beginning of the 19th century and the conquest of new lands. The following topics were touched upon: the annexation of Herat, Kandahar and Afghan Turkestan; rivalry with Britain for the possession of the principalities of Hindu Kush; territorial contentious issues of the two Afghan delimitations; the religious activity of the Afghan envoys in the part of Central Asia belonging to the Russian Empire; the creation of the “Durand line”; the conquest of Nuristan, etc. The author came to the following conclusion: Afghanistan was the object of the foreign policy of Britain and the Russian Empire in the global system of international relations of the 19th century, but at the regional level it acted as an active actor, as evidenced by the territorial acquisitions of the Afghan rulers, as well as repeated attempts to implement them.

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Rabush, T. V. (2021). ON THE QUESTION OF AFGHANISTAN’S ROLE AS AN ACTOR REGIONAL SYSTEM OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS IN THE XIX CENTURY Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2021, №4 (44), 121. https://doi.org/10.25688/20-76-9105.2021.44.4.09
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