Home Releases 2023, №3 (51)


History of Russia: from ancient times to 1917 , UDC: 94(470) DOI: 10.25688/20-76-9105.2023.51.3.05


  • Barinova Ekaterina P. Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor


The article analyses the biography and public activity of N. A. Pavlov, a publicist and a major landowner of Saratov and Tambov provinces. Genealogical information about his family is given. Based on the analysis of his publicistic and literary works, speeches at noblemen’s meetings and congresses the political and economic views of the author are revealed. The stages of his activity are distinguished. It is established that nobleman N. A. Pavlov actively participated in the political and public life of the Russian Empire in the beginning of the XXth century and proved himself as an expert of the peasant’s question. His activity as an employee of Moskovskiye Vedomosti, Grazhdanin, Russkiye Znamen’ and other monarchic editions is traced. Prominent orator and right-wing activist in the years of the first Russian revolution, he initiated the idea of union of landowners. At the congresses of the United Nobility he submitted for discussion the projects which contained not only criticism of the supreme power, but also demands of expansion of economic privileges of the Russian nobility. Attention is drawn to the fact that he, having mastered the art of oratory, single-mindedly defended his project of unification of the nobility with the peasant proprietors on the “economic ground”. Despite the support of the project by part of the nobility, and a lively polemic on this subject at the VII–VIII Congresses of the united nobility, it was not supported. The nobleman Pavlov consistently criticised the government’s policies from a conservative standpoint. After the revolution of 1917 he emigrated.

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Barinova, E. P. (2023). SARATOV NOBLEMAN N. A. PAVLOV IN THE SOCIAL LIFE OF RUSSIA IN THE EARLY XX CENTURY Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2023, №3 (51), 61. https://doi.org/10.25688/20-76-9105.2023.51.3.05
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