Home Releases 2023, №1 (49)


History of Russia: from ancient times to 1917 , UDC: 94(47).083 DOI: 10.25688/20-76-9105.2023.49.1.04


  • Ivanov Andrey A. Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Artsueva Anna S.


The article is devoted to the views of Russian right-wingers (black-hundredists and nationalists) on the foreign policy of the Russian Empire, conditioned upon the events of the Constitutional Revolution in Iran of 1905–1911. The purpose of the publication is to identify and analyze the views of Russian conservatives on the Persian question at the beginning of the XXth century, since they still remain under investigated. The article pays attention to all the main stages of development of Russian policy in Iran over the specified period. It analyzes the reaction of the rightists to the Anglo-Russian agreement of 1907, to the participation of the Russian military in the monarchical coup of Mohammad Ali Shah, as well as to the government’s decision to send Russian troops to Iran in 1909 and the intervention of 1911. Differences and similarities in Russian nationalists’ and extreme rightists’ views on Russia’s participation in the events of the Persian revolution are revealed on the basis of the periodical press and conservatives’ publicistic works and the attitude to the actions of the Russian government is estimated. At the initial stage of development of the Persian question the moderate rightists and nationalists approved the steps taken by Russian diplomacy. Despite this fact the policy of Russia in Iran during the period of the Constitutional Revolution eventually led to the fact that the actions of the Russian Foreign Ministry began to be criticized by representatives of all right-wing organizations of the Russian Empire.

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Ivanov, A. A. & Artsueva, A. S. (2023). “TO BRING ORDER WITH AN IRON HAND”: RUSSIAN RIGHT-WINGERS AND THE PERSIAN REVOLUTION OF 1905–1911 Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2023, №1 (49), 38. https://doi.org/10.25688/20-76-9105.2023.49.1.04
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