Home Releases 2022, №3 (47)


History of Russia: from ancient times to 1917 , UDC: 94 (470) “1918” DOI: 10.25688/20-76-9105.2022.47.3.09


  • Kholyaev Sergey V. Candidate of Historical Sciences


A complex of events related to the reasons of the organization in Yaroslavl in the summer of 1918 of the Anti-Bolshevik uprising (rebellion) is considered. There was a sustained view that the rebellion that occurred in Yaroslavl was White Guard. There are objective grounds for such an approval, as the leaders of the uprising had a certain support for the leaders of White Motion L. G. Kornilova and M. V. Alekseeva, and the rebel forces claimed the status of the northern volunteer army. But in reality, the rebels rather expressed the will of those opposed by white socialists, the so-called democratic counter-revolution, that is, Serc and Mensheviks. Yaroslavsky rebellion represented a logical continuation of the devastating February processes, almost those who did not lead to the death of Russia. Union of protection of the Motherland and Freedom, who led the former Ester B. V. Savinkov, fully focused on the allies, and shed Russian blood for the interests of the “allies” only so that they can continue on the territory of the country already unnecessary Russia after February the first world war. The officers who carried out the combat part of the uprising in this organization were not his senior persons, but exclusively mercenaries, voluntarily hired by politicians, the same Savinkov and Ambassador of France Zh. Nulans, in fact, by the kingdom of the Russian revolution. It is concluded that the Yaroslavl rebellion was, of course, the officer, but at the same time not by White Guard, as it was tied to the interests of those forces in the Anti-Bolshevik camp, which during the Civil War opposed white movement.

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Kholyaev, S. V. (2022). CONGRELAE OF THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION (WAS THE YAROSLAVL UPRISING OF 1918 WHITE GUARD?) Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2022, №3 (47), 108. https://doi.org/10.25688/20-76-9105.2022.47.3.09
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