- Ragimova Afat Firuddinovna Ph.D.
Modern China largely determines the trends of world development. Building trusting relationships with a strategically significant Far Eastern neighbor is among the priorities of the Russian Federation. The most important vector of relationships is intercultural communication. The dialogue of cultures has gained particular relevance as a result of the unprecedented socio-cultural disunity of peoples caused by the pandemic crisis. The paper examines the main directions of Chinese-Russian relations in the field of culture. The purpose of the study is to analyze the most significant aspects of bilateral cultural cooperation after the signing of the agreement on July 16, 2001. The specifics of cultural exchange are characterized: in education, science and technology, cinema, literature, international projects. Emphasis is placed on the characteristic features of cultural interaction and the prospects for its further development. It is argued that at present there are objective prerequisites for a positive mutually beneficial partnership in the field of culture. Attention is drawn to the effectiveness of the dialogue of cultures in the borderlands. The author emphasizes that despite the more noticeable successes in the geopolitical and military areas, intercultural contact is no less significant. The active relationship, expressed in hundreds
of joint events, testifies to the constructive cooperation between the two countries, which, among other things, was reflected in the decision of the heads of state to prolong the agreement in February 2022. It is stated that the mutual interest of the two peoples in expanding communication and building up intercultural dialogue.
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Ragimova, A. F. (2022). THE MAIN DIRECTIONS OF THE RUSSIAN-CHINESE NTERCULTURAL DIALOGUE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURE Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2022, №2 (46), 139.
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