Home Releases 2018, №4 (32)

Left Funds of Germany and the Social Changes in Latin America (on the Experience of the Beginning of the 21st Century)

General history , UDC: 94(7/8=134)"1918/..." DOI: 10.25688/2076-9105.2018.32.4.09
1. Pogorel'skaya S.V. Germanskie politicheskie fondy' v Latinskoj Amerike // Aktual'nye problemy Evropy. № 3. S. 164-175.
2. Pogorel'skaya S.V. Nepravitel'stvenny'e organizacii i politicheskie fondy' vo vneshnej politike Federativnoj Respubliki Germanii. M.: Nauka, 2007. 207 s.
3. Kohl H. Ansprache beim Festakt am 28.02.1989 in der KAS. Sankt Augustin bei Bonn, 1989. 71 p.
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