- Kiskidosova Tatiana Alexandrovna Candidate of Historical Sciences
The article is devoted to the history of the creation and activity of primary education care societies in the cities of the Yenisei province in the late XIX – early XX century. The problem of organizing and supporting Societies has been widely discussed in public circles and on the pages of the periodical press. The regional press reflected the main activities of the Primary Education Care Societies. The opening of primary schools and their financial support were the priority tasks of the Societies. Local newspapers reflected the popularity of public associations in all cities of the Yenisei province during the period under review. The primary education care societies were a vivid example of the desire of the local population to develop education in the region.
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Kiskidosova, T. A. (2023). THE SOCIETIES FOR THE CARE OF PRIMARY EDUCATION IN THE CITIES OF THE YENISEI PROVINCE IN THE LATE XIX – EARLY XX CENTURY (BASED ON THE MATERIALS OF THE REGIONAL PRESS) Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2023, №2 (50), 35.
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