- Khalayev Zakhid A. Candidate of Historical Sciences
Recreating a holistic picture with the involvement of the Jaro-Belokans and their incorporations into the military system of the Russian Empire is a serious research task, moreover, underdeveloped. This article is one of the considered issues of studying the military service of the Jaro-Belokans in the Russian Imperial Army, as part of the His Imperial Majesty’s Own Convoy (HIMC), after the entry of the Jaro-Belokan into the Russian Empire from the 30s. 19th century. In the article, the author makes a short digression into the history of the Jaro-Belokan societies and highlights the process of their integration into the economic and political system of the Russian Empire in the context of its Caucasian policy in the first half of the XIXth century. The author notes that after the entry of Jaro-Belokan into the Russian Empire, at the personal request of Count N. Chernyshev, it was recommended to select up young people from the best surnames of the Jaro-Belokans for education in educational institutions of St. were to receive education and military training and return to their homeland. In 1828 in St. Petersburg, His Majesty’s convoy of noble Caucasian highlanders was founded. In 1836, His Majesty’s convoy was replenished with a national unit (3rd platoon of the HIMC), which was called the “Lezgin team”, which included representatives of the Jar region. Initially, 15 people from the Avar tukhums were included: Nukhilal — 4 representatives, Chaparal — 4, Tlebelal — 4, Chumchayal — 3. The analysis of the material
shows that the integration of the Jaro-Belokans into the military system of the Russian army contributed to the formation of a professional military class that reflected the interests of the Russian authorities on the ground and, according to the plan of the ruling elite, they really were the conductors of Russian culture, education and way of life. Subsequently, they became experienced officers and managers, officials of the civil and military apparatus.
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Khalayev, Z. A. (2022). JARO-BELOKANS IN THE MILITARY SERVICE OF THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2022, №2 (46), 72.
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