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General history , UDC: 94 DOI: 10.24412/2076-9105-2024-456-143-158


  • Sherkova Tatjana Alekseevna Candidate of Historical Sciences


In each transitional rite, a person passed through a symbolic death, being reborn in a new capacity. In the funeral rite, the deceased overcame difficult and dangerous obstacles during the initiation of the transition to the world of ancestors and gods. In the system of three stages of transitional rites, physical death itself corresponds to the separation of the deceased from the world of the living, then the funeral follows as a stay between heaven and earth, in social timelessness and at the third stage the deceased is included in the world of revered ancestors and gods, symbolically crossing the threshold three times (limen); his state changes and transforms during the process of initiation during rituals. The performance of rituals in a transitional funeral rite is a special case in the worldview of the ancient Egyptians in binary ideas about the victory of the cosmos over chaos.

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Sherkova, T. A. (2024). FUNERAL RITES IN PREDYNASTIC AND EARLY DYNASTIC EGYPT IN THE CONTEXT OF TRANSITIONAL RITES Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 4 (56), 143. https://doi.org/10.24412/2076-9105-2024-456-143-158
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