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History of Russia: from ancient times to 1917 , UDC: 94(47).084.1; 94(47).084.2 DOI: 10.25688/20-76-9105.2024.54.2.07


  • Mestkovsky Dmitrii Alexandrovich Candidate of Historical Sciences


The February Revolution is often regarded as the democratic stage of the 1917 revolution. The same are considered the main forces that acted in this period. The party of socialists-revolutionaries, one of the participants of the ruling coalition of bourgeois and socialist parties, was the most numerous political force. The analysis of appeals, decisions of conferences, meetings of the party Council shows that the attitude to the formation of the government of the rank-and-file SRs sharply differed from the views of the party activists. The rejection of the party masses of the entry of party representatives into the Provisional Government led to the fact that the leadership of the SRs for obtaining the necessary decision went to the violation of both the previous resolutions and the organizational forms, which violated the representations of democracy in the party. The article draws attention to the refusal of the principle of free expression of all party members in the development of decisions, to the replacement of elected delegates by workers of committees. These and other facts of the organizational activity of the PSR did not receive reflection in the scientific literature, the prevailing point of view of which today is the thesis of the SRs as a democratic alternative to Bolshevism. The presented material allows to show the degree of loyalty in the party to the decision to enter the coalition government. Being a reflection of the moods of the party leadership, it did not always correspond to the representations of the rank-and-file members. This led to the confrontation of the left and right SRs.

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Mestkovsky, D. A. (2024). INTERNAL PARTY STRUGGLE IN THE SOCIALIST REVOLUTIONARY PARTY ON THE ISSUE OF ITS REPRESENTATIVES JOINING THE GOVERNMENT COALITION IN 1917 Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 2 (54), 93. https://doi.org/10.25688/20-76-9105.2024.54.2.07
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