Home Releases 2023, №2 (50)


The newest history of Russia , UDC: 94 (639.1) DOI: 10.25688/20-76-9105.2023.50.2.08


  • Tselykhova Elizaveta K. Candidate of Philology


The article explores and describes the history of one of the first pavilions built at the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition, and then at the Exhibition of achievements of National Economy (VDNKh) — “Hunting and fur farming”, which was destroyed by fire in 2005. The initial exposition and its further transformation were a reflection of the istory and positioning of hunting in the USSR. This pavilion represented the industrial status of hunting and played a key in informing the Soviet people about its place in the national economy of the country, the importance and benefits of fur and professional game- and meat harvesting and hunting management for the Soviet people.

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Tselykhova, E. K. (2023). THE LOST MIRROR OF THE AGE: PAVILION “HUNTING AND FUR FARMING” ON THE EXHIBITION OF ACHIEVEMENTS OF NATIONAL ECONOMY (VDNKh) Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2023, №2 (50), 108. https://doi.org/10.25688/20-76-9105.2023.50.2.08
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6. 6. Tselykhova E. K., Min’kov S. I. Okhotnich’e khoziaistvo kak element obespecheniia prodovol’stvennoi bezopasnosti Rossii [Hunting as an element of ensuring food security in Russia] // Okhota i okhotnich’e khoziaistvo. 2022. № 10. P. 4–8. (In Russ.).
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