Home Releases 2023, №2 (50)


History of Russia: from ancient times to 1917 , UDC: 94 DOI: 10.25688/20-76-9105.2023.50.2.01


  • Andreev Igor Lvovich Ph. D., associate professor
  • Chelnokova Alla Yu. Candidate of Historical Sciences, associate professor


Consideration of the reasons that encourage the nobility to avoid service or leave it before the deadline seems relevant due to the fact that the phenomenon of nonnobility in the middle – second half of the XVII century was massive and, as a manifestation of the realities of life, was in constant development. As the authorities searched for ways to force a serving man to appear on duty and serve in a timely manner, nobles and boyar children came up with more and more new ways to circumvent the legislation and the practice of searching for fugitives. The scope of the service was directly related to the intensity and severity of the service. The determination of the authorities to deal with such violations also influenced the scale of the flight. However, the financial insolvency of serving people pushed the government to various decisions, prompting it to approach with caution the punishment of netchiks and fugitive military men. At the same time, being an integral part of the service, piracy and the fight against it act, on the one hand, as a manifestation of this service, and on the other hand, as a way for the parties to influence each other. This indicates that the problem of slavery is not limited to military service aspects, but can and should be considered in the broader context of the dialogue of the service class with the authorities that has been developing throughout the XVII century. In the study of this dialogue, it is important to study the class well-being of the nobility itself, namely, the ability of provincial service people within their class institutions — service cities, through the threat of official ruin addressed to the authorities, to consistently and consciously defend their interests and demands.

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Andreev, I. L. & Chelnokova, A. Y. (2023). «SOVEREIGN NETCHIKI» (ON THE QUESTION OF THE PLACE OF FLIGHT OF THE NOBILITY FROM SERVICE IN THE DIALOGUE OF POWER AND NOBILITY IN THE XVII CENTURY) Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2023, №2 (50), 6. https://doi.org/10.25688/20-76-9105.2023.50.2.01
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