- Chemakin Anton A. Candidate of Historical Sciences
The article is devoted to the cooperation of the famous politician and publicist Vasily Vitalievich Shulgin (1878–1976) with one of the most prominent organizations of the Russian emigration — the National Labor Union of the New Generation (NTS). The source base of the study is the printed editions of the NTS stored in the Scientific Library of the State Archive of the Russian Federation, the Russian State Library, the Slavonic Library in Prague and the Hoover Institution Archives, as well as the memories by Shulgin and other members of the Union. Shulgin established his first contacts with the future NTS as early as 1930, but the most active period of their interaction dates back to 1933–1936. Not being a member of the NTS due to the age limit, Shulgin was one of the leaders of the NTS Assistance Committee in Belgrade, participated in the propaganda and organizational work of the Union, gave lectures and taught classes for young people, wrote articles for the Union’s newspaper For Russia.
Shulgin mentioned cooperation with the NTS in his later memoirs, but at the same time he did not particularly talk about the content of his printed and public speeches, which were openly “defeatist” in nature. It is paradoxical that Shulgin, who was a supporter of the German “orientation”, due to a conflict with one of the leaders of the Union, M. A. Georgiyevsky, moved away from the organization’s activities, revised his views and during the World War II was in no way connected with collaborators, while many other members of the NTS, who did not have unequivocally pro-German sympathies in the 1930s and subsequently tried to play the role of the third force, still de facto ended up on the side of the Third Reich.
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Chemakin, A. A. (2022). V. V. SHULGIN AND THE NATIONAL LABOR UNION OF THE NEW GENERATION Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2022, №3 (47), 44.
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