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Magistracy and Tribunate of the Plebs as Seen by Aulus Gellius: to the Issue of Systematization of Roman Magistracy

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  • Pavlov Andrey Al’bertovich Ph.D. (History), docent of department of Russian and Foreign History, Syktyvkar State University (aapavlov@rambler.ru).

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Pavlov, A. A. (2016). Magistracy and Tribunate of the Plebs as Seen by Aulus Gellius: to the Issue of Systematization of Roman Magistracy Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2016, №1 (21),
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11. Pavlov A.A. Vremya dekonstrukcij: «patricii i plebei» R.E. Mitchella // Antichnaya istoriya i klassicheskaya arxeologiya / otv. red. V.V. Dement'eva. M.: IVI RAN, 2006. S. 32-49.
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14. Smorchkov A.M. Auspicii v publichnom prave arxaicheskogo Rima // FORUM ROMANUM. Rimskoe chastnoe i publichnoe pravo: mnogovekovoj opy't razvitiya evropejskogo prava: doklady' III Mezhdunarodnoj konferencii (Yaroslavl' — Moskva, 25— 30 iyunya 2003 g.). M.: Infomedia Pablisherz, 2003. S. 27-31.
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23. Herzog E. Geschichte und System der romischen Staatsverfassung. Leipzig: B.G. Teubner, 1884-1891. Bd. I-II. 1188; 1031 s.
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25. Lange L. Romische Altertumer. Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1876. Bd. I.
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27. Lhomme M-K. Varron et Verrius au 2eme siecle apres Jesus-Christ // Verrius, Festus and Paul. Lexicography, Scholarship and Society / ed. by F. Glinister and C. Woods with J.A. North and M.H. Crawford. London: Institute of Classical Studies, 2007. P. 33-48.
28. Lobrano G. Plebei magistratus, patricii magistratus, magistratus populi Romani // SDHI. 1975. Vol. 41. P. 245-277.
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30. Madvig J. Die Verfassung und Verwaltung des romischen Staates. Leipzig: B.G. Teubner, 1881. Bd. I. 596 s.
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32. Mitchell R.E. Patricians and Plebeians. The Origin of the Roman State. Cornell University Press, 1990. 276 p.
33. Mommsen Th. Romische Forschungen. Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung,
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35. Mommsen Th. Romisches Staatsrecht. Leipzig: Hirzel, 1874. Bd. II. 697 s.
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39. Niebuhr B.G. Romische Geschichte. Berlin: Realfchulbuchhandlung, 1811. Bd. I. 455 s.
40. Niebuhr B.G. Romische Geschichte. Berlin: Reimer, 1827. Bd. I. 657 s.
41. Niebuhr B.G. Romische Geschichte. Berlin: Reimer, 1853. 1186 s.
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43. Stevenson A.J. Gellius and the Roman Antiquarian Tradition // The worlds of Aulus Gel-lius / ed. by L. Holford-Strevens, A.D. Vardi. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004. P. 119-155.
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