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Fatal Decisions: Why did Hungary Attack the USSR in 1941?

The newest history of Russia


  • Filonenko Natalja Victorovna Ph.D. (History), docent of department of General Legal and Humanitarian Disciplines, Voronezh State Agricultural University named after Emperor Peter the Great (SFilonenko@vspu.ac.ru).
1. Vengriya i Vtoraya mirovaya vojna. Sekretny'e diplomaticheskie dokumenty' iz istorii kanuna i perioda vojny'. M.: Izd-vo inostrannoj literatury', 1962. 368 s.
2. Nyurnbergskij process: sbornik materialov: v 8 t. T. 3. M.: Yuridicheskaya litera-
3. tura, 1989. 656 s.
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