Home Releases 2020, №2 (38)

Book Review: A. V. Shishov. Nikolay I. M.: Veche, 2019. 512 p.

Criticism. Reviews. Publicism , UDC: 929Николай(47)"18" DOI: 10.25688/2076-9105.2020.38.2.10


  • Pronina Anastasia Valerievna Postgraduate, All-University World and Russian History Department, Institute of Humanities of Moscow City University. E-mail: proninaav@mgpu.ru

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Pronina, A. V. (2020). Book Review: A. V. Shishov. Nikolay I. M.: Veche, 2019. 512 p. Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2020, №2 (38), 105-108. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9105.2020.38.2.10
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2. Olejnikov D. I. Nikolaj I. M.: Molodaya gvardiya, 2012. 339 s.
3. Shil'der N. K. Imperator Nikolaj I. Ego zhizn' i czarstvovanie. M.: Zaxarov, 2010. 720 s.
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