- Vorob’ev Sergei Viktorovich Ph.D.
The article describes the conflict that arose in the Ural region in 1928 between the first Secretary of the regional N. M. Shvernik on the one hand and the initiators of the conflict, the second Secretary of the regional Committee K. V. Ryndinym and Chairman of the Ural regional Executive Committee of F. I. by Lukacova on the other. The context and causes of the conflict, motives and goals of its participants are shown. Identify the causes of the failure of the conspirators: the lack of unity in relation to their support of the regional nomenclature, the resulting split in the tandem of opponents N. M. Shvernika, lack of support from representatives of the Central government. Administrative resource N. M. Shvernika was more significant, thanks to his Moscow connections and patronage of Stalin. Thus, he was able to win the nomenclature struggle only thanks to the support of the center.
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Vorob’ev, S. V. (2019). N. M. Shvernik’s Case: the Conflict in the Leadership of the Ural Region in 1927-1928 Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2019, №3 (35), 36-46.
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