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BOOK REVIEW: The memory of the World War II outside Europe: a collective monograph / edited by A. I. Miller and A. V. Solovyov. St. Petersburg, 2022. 264 p.

Criticism. Reviews. Publicism , UDC: 93/94 DOI: 10.24412/2076-9105-2024-456-173-187


  • Ipatov Alexey M. Candidate of Historical Sciences


The article presents a review of the collective monograph “Memory of the World War II outside Europe” published by the publishing house of the European University in St. Petersburg. Sections prepared by specialists in regional studies, including from Poland, are devoted to the analysis of official historiography and/or historical memory of the tragic events of 1939–1945 in those countries whose inhabitants, on the one hand, took part in hostilities, on the other — many of them from the very beginning perceived this war as “alien”, European. In conditions when the events of the Great Patriotic War, as the most important and decisive component of the World War II, are a kind of reference point for historical memory in the Russian Federation, and revisionist assessments of the events of those years are reviving in the West, the published research is of great interest, allowing to see alternative approaches to the analyzed problem and to understand the reason behind them.

How to link insert

Ipatov, A. M. (2024). BOOK REVIEW: The memory of the World War II outside Europe: a collective monograph / edited by A. I. Miller and A. V. Solovyov. St. Petersburg, 2022. 264 p. Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 4 (56), 173. https://doi.org/10.24412/2076-9105-2024-456-173-187
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