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The newest history of Russia , UDC: 94(575.4) DOI: 10.24412/2076-9105-2024-456-116-130


  • Vasiliev Dmitry V. Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor


The Murghab Sovereign’s Estate was established with the aim of creating an effective irrigated farm that was to attract Russians and indigenous peoples of the Russian part of Central Asia. The Russian administration was interested in the new residents of the Murghab oasis being interested in agricultural production, cherishing their land and resisting the machinations of hostile agents. Initially, it was planned to settle family settlers on the estate and give them small plots of land. It was expected that each settler would live off his own labor. The authorities intended to give a small amount of land to lessees with the expectation that they would set up efficient farms. In reality, everything turned out differently. The resettlement of agricultural producers to the estate was not implemented. All the irrigated land ended up in the hands of lessees, some of whom owned plots that were dozens of times larger than the norm. Dozens of simple under-lessees worked on those estates. Their income depended only on the desire of the lessee. The term of the proposed long-term lease was reduced by 3 times. Almost all the land was leased for 1 year. The size and location of the future plot was often unknown to the lessee. This did not contribute to the development of the farm and interest in systematic profit-making. The estate administration confiscated all the cotton produced and processed it at its own cotton gin. The administration sold the cotton and returned part of the proceeds to the tenants. In the end, the Murghab sovereign estate turned into a capitalist enterprise based on principles other than those originally declared.

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Vasiliev, D. V. (2024). LAND USE AND SETTLEMENT OF THE TERRITORY OF THE MURGHAB SOVEREIGN’S ESTATE: PLANS AND REALITY Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 4 (56), 116. https://doi.org/10.24412/2076-9105-2024-456-116-130
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