- Kalyuzhnaya Olga V. Candidate of Historical Sciences
For the first time, the article examines the estimates of the provincial church periodical press (using the example of the newspaper “Nizhny Novgorod Church and Public Bulletin”), given to the elections to the III State Duma of the Russian Empire. The article shows the attitude of the publication to the dissolution of the II Duma and the electoral law on June 3, 1907. The ideological platform of the publication is revealed, its attitude to the institution of the Duma and to the constitution is considered.
The article examines the criticism of socialism and left-wing parties on the eve and during the elections to the III State Duma. The place of the Orthodox clergy in the elections is highlighted, its participation and problems related to the conduct of elections are characterized. The results of the elections to the III State Duma are characterized.
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Kalyuzhnaya, O. V. (2024). ELECTIONS TO THE III STATE DUMA IN THE ESTIMATES OF “THE NIZHNY NOVGOROD CHURCH AND PUBLIC BULLETIN” NEWSPAPER Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 4 (56), 102.
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