- Karpets Fedor V.
The topic of the Crimean Tatar factor in Turkish-Ukrainian relations touches on several pressing problems and issues. These include interethnic contradictions, separatism,
national self-determination and “soft power” in international relations. This article examines various aspects of the Crimean Tatar factor in Turkish-Ukrainian relations
in 1991–2014, analyzes them, identifies their features and influence on the events that took place in the spring of 2014 in Crimea. The author concludes that the project of a Crimean Tatar national state in Crimea, carried out with the support of the Turkish Republic in 1991–2014, and with the connivance of the Ukrainian authorities, turned out to be unfeasible due to the small size of the Crimean Tatar population and the presence of Russian armed forces on the peninsula.
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Karpets, F. V. (2024). CRIMEAN TATAR FACTOR IN TURKISH-UKRAINIAN RELATIONS IN 1991–2014 Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 3 (55),
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