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The newest history of Russia , UDC: 614.84


  • Ryabov Aleksandr V. Candidate of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor
  • Vasiliev Dmitry V. Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor


In 2024, St. Petersburg residents, together with the entire country, celebrate the complete liberation of Leningrad from the Fascist blockade. The President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, has repeatedly stressed that knowledge of one’s history is the basis of national identity. A society that has forgotten about its past cannot be healthy. And currently, this thesis is especially relevant. This article is devoted to only one of the almost 900 days of the blockade, during which the hero city, weakened by hunger, shelling and bombing, courageously fought the enemy and won! The events of March 29, 1942 are described, when a disaster occurred at the Rzhevka station, which is a key link of the Road of Life, which destroyed about 70 wagons with explosives, and, as a result of subsequent explosions and fires, the station was actually disabled. As a result of subsequent explosions and fires, the station was virtually disabled. The article makes an attempt to combine and analyze surviving documents and memories that could shed light on the causes and consequences of the Rzhevka tragedy.

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Ryabov, A. V. & Vasiliev, D. V. (2024). FIRE PAGES OF THE BLOCKADE CHRONICLE. RZHEVKA. 03.29.1942 Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 3 (55),
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