- Kiryanov Igor K. Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
The paper deals with the practices of using historical knowledge at the sessions of the State Duma of late imperial Russia (1st and 2nd convocations). The theoretical
framework of the study is the concept of symbolic politics. The source base is the verbatim records of the State Duma meetings. The study was conducted using the instrumental capabilities of the web portal Parliamentary History of Late Imperial Russia. We have identified the following techniques of instrumental use of historical experience/knowledge in parliamentary debates to resolve the problems of Russia’s development at the beginning of the XXth century: referring to history (events, personalities) as a weighty argument to justify the position expressed; negative assessment of the historical knowledge of opponents with the aim of their political and intellectual discreditation; explaining what is happening in the present with reasons from the past; calls for oblivion of the past / forgetting / forgiving the past for the sake of social reconciliation; interpretation of Russia’s history to mark the group identity of parliamentary parties and associations: the past as negative experience vs as great history; articulation of historical trauma / resentment. The paper shows that the institutionalization of public politics in late imperial Russia opened up opportunities
for the political “mobilization” of the past by various actors, including their rivalry in the politics of memory and historical politics. The repertoire of the “mobilized” past,
a certain attitude towards it served as a significant marker of group identity not only for parliamentary associations but also for voters. The historical component turned into an important component of the civil type of political culture (the culture of participation) that was being formed in late imperial Russia.
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Kiryanov, I. K. (2022). ACTUALIZATION OF HISTORY IN PARLIAMENTARY DISCUSSIONS IN THE STATE DUMA OF THE FIRST AND SECOND CONVOCATIONS OF LATE IMPERIAL RUSSIA, 1906–1907 Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2022, №3 (47), 71.
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