- Mirzoev Evgeny B. Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
Galatian invasion in Macedonia and adjacent areas in 279 BC was a coordinated attack by three armies. The military resources of Ptolemy Ceraunus were weakened by internal conflicts in Macedonia and were divided by the threat of invasion from different directions. Information about the circumstances of the death of the king sheds light on the feature of the battle with the Galatians and suggests that numerical superiority of the enemy and the unsuccessful use of war elephants in the battle were among the reasons for the defeat of Ceraunus.
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Mirzoev, E. B. (2024). THE CONFLICT BETWEEN PTOLEMY CERAUNUS AND THE GALATIANS IN 279 BC.: GENERAL COURSE OF THE CAMPAIGN AND REASONS FOR THE DEFEAT OF THE MACEDONIANS Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 4 (56), 159.
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