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History of Russia: from ancient times to 1917 , UDC: 94 DOI: 10.24412/2076-9105-2024-456-15-24


  • Makarov Nikita A.


The impact of the Continental System on Russian trade is a little-known topic. However, it was because of the consequences of Napoleon Bonaparte’s largest foreign policy event that Russia had to find solutions to trade problems. The original author reviews the peculiarities of Russian trade in late 1808–1809 based on the material of published sources from the sourcebook “Foreign Policy of Russia in the 19th – early 20th century” and the dispatches of the Russian Ambassador to Paris stored in the Foreign Policy Archive of the Russian Empire by A. B. Kurakin. The particular attention is paid to the relations of Russia with the Hanseatic cities and the implementation of trade with the United Kingdom during this period. The article analyses the proposals of A. B. Kurakin and representatives of Hanseatic cities on improvement of conditions of Russian and European trade in compliance with the requirements of the Continental System. The author concludes that during this period the Russian trade experienced serious difficulties due to the lack of its own merchant fleet and problems with former trading partners (the Hanseatic cities). A. B. Kurakin regularly sent dispatches to Alexander I and to the Minister of Commerce and Foreign Affairs N. P. Rumyantsev with the proposals to improve the trade. However, during this period, Alexander I did not want to jeopardize the alliance with France by causing Napoleon Bonaparte’s discontent with the proposal to change the conditions of the Continental Blockade, and therefore ignored A. B. Kurakin’s proposals.

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Makarov, N. A. (2024). THE STATE OF RUSSIAN FOREIGN TRADE AT THE END OF 1808–1809 (ACCORDING TO A. B. KURAKIN’S DISPATCHES) Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 4 (56), 15. https://doi.org/10.24412/2076-9105-2024-456-15-24
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