- Ivanov Andrey A. Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor
The article, mainly based on periodical materials and sources of personal origin, is devoted to the perception by contemporaries of the famous Russian rightwing
politician, deputy of the State Duma II–IV of the State Duma from Volyn province V. V. Shulgin (1878–1976) during the period when his parliamentary career was
just beginning. The article presents a number of contemporary testimonies about Shulgin’s Duma debut, which took place in 1907, when the 29-year-old aspiring politician
first crossed the threshold of the Tauride Palace. The transformation of the image of Shulgin is shown, who at the beginning seemed to most journalists to be an ordinary provincial figure, but in a few months of work of the II State Duma turned into a bright and recognizable parliamentarian and an All-Russian celebrity. A significant part of the evidence of Shulgin’s contemporaries is being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time.
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Ivanov, A. A. (2024). A GENTLEMAN WITH THE HABITS OF A SNAKE: CONTEMPORARIES ON VASILY SHULGIN’S DUMA DEBUT Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 4 (56), 89.
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