Home Releases 2023, №3 (51)


History of Russia: from ancient times to 1917 , UDC: 94:328.1(470) DOI: 10.25688/20-76-9105.2023.51.3.06


  • Kiryanov Igor K. Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor


The paper deals with the practice of political use of history by members of the State Council and the State Duma during the First World War. The theoretical framework of the study is the concept of symbolic politics. The source base was made up of verbatim records of meetings of the State Council and the State Duma. The study was conducted using the instrumental capabilities of the portal Parliamentary History of Late Imperial Russia. The following basic plots from the past in parliamentary speeches, updated by the course of the First World War, were revealed: historical analogies to what is happening, historical heroes, the historical conditionality of the geopolitical tasks being solved, a statement of previous mistakes in relations with Prussia / Germany, the articulation of historical grievances about the “German dominance”. In the domestic parliamentary discussions of the period of the First World War, the main methods of instrumental use of historical knowledge, which had been formed in the previous time, turned out to be involved. The specificity of their application was that the past was updated, with rare exceptions, by one process in the present — the war itself.

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Kiryanov, I. K. (2023). APPEAL TO HISTORY IN RUSSIAN PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES DURING THE FIRST WORLD WAR Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2023, №3 (51), 73. https://doi.org/10.25688/20-76-9105.2023.51.3.06
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