Home Releases 2023, №2 (50)


General history , UDC: 94(510).08 DOI: 10.25688/20-76-9105.2023.50.2.11


  • Ryabov Aleksandr V. Candidate of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor
  • Ogarkov Aleksandr N. Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor


The article focuses on V. V. Korsakov’s point of view on the causes of the Boxer Rebellion. The doctor of the Russian diplomatic mission in the capital of the Qing Empire, eyewitness of the battle for Peking in 1900, published his personal memoirs of the events in 1901 in Saint-Petersburg. These memoirs are the main source of the work. The authors reveal Korsakov’s view on the phenomena that led to the Yihetuan Uprising, the peculiarities of it presentation in the analyzed book, and also show how such a view of the Boxer Rebellion was relevant for its time. The study was conducted in line with the tendency, characteristic of modern scholarship, to refer to the epistolary and memoirs heritage left by the contemporaries, eyewitnesses of the Boxer Rebellion, as well as to the documents compiled by them. The relevance of the article is also due to the insufficient study of the personal memoirs of the diplomatic mission doctor. Korsakov considered European civilization to be the main culprit behind the Yihetuan Uprising. The author has developed his point of view on historical material, following the principle of historicism. He also highlights the peculiarities of the perception of life and attitudes towards the sacral aspect of being in China, to show that the subject of the Qing empire is an ordinary person. Korsakov shows: this fact was not taken into account by Europeans. The study reveals that the memoirs lack an idealized image of the Chinese state and its subjects compiled through the prism of the European understanding of life, that the book was relevant for its time due to its educational potential and due to the fact that the viewpoint presented on the causes of the Boxer Rebellion suited the authorities.

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Ryabov, A. V. & Ogarkov, A. N. (2023). THE CAUSES OF THE BOXER REBELLION: AS RECALLED BY V. V. KORSAKOV, A PARTICIPANT IN THE BEIJING SIEGE Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2023, №2 (50), 157. https://doi.org/10.25688/20-76-9105.2023.50.2.11
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