- Tereshchuk Andrei A. Associate Professor
The First Carlist War in Spain (1833–1840) started because of the uprising of Don Carlos’s partisans (Carlists) against the government in Madrid. Modern scholars are still discussing the reasons for the conflict. In the article, the factors that motivated the development of the Carlist movement are being analyzed. It is shown that there is a continuity between Carlism and counterrevolutionary movements in Spain during the reign of Ferdinand VII. The paper studies the relevance of the dynastic crisis in Spain after the publication of the Pragmatic Sanction in 1830 in the context of the opposition between Liberals and Royalists. The religious factor of the conflict is analyzed. Different hypotheses concerning possible economic reasons for the war are shown. The notion that Carlism was a movement of the “poor” against the “rich” or a peasants’ uprising against the urban population is rejected. The First Carlist War in Spain was a result of a combination of multiple factors. The regionalist problem was irrelevant for the early Carlism. The dynastic and religious questions were mainly vehicles for propaganda than the real causes of the conflict. The early Carlism was the movement of well-off peasants, local gentry and clergy, and a part of the urban population in the regions with a small and medium land property that suffered economic recession before the war.
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Tereshchuk, A. A. (2022). TO THE QUESTION OF THE REASONS OF THE FIRST CARLIST WAR (1833–1840) Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2022, №4 (48), 145.
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