Home Releases 2022, №2 (46)


The newest history of Russia , UDC: 342,56: 94 (571,51) «1945–1953» DOI: 10.25688/20-76-9105.2022.46.2.08


  • Pecherskij Vladimir Arnoldovich Candidate of Historical Sciences


The article analyzes the issues related to activities of the primary courts of the Krasnoyarsk Region in the post-war period. Based on the analysis of archival sources, the work of the people’s courts considering criminal cases related to collective farmers’ failure to develop the mandatory minimum of workdays, theft, hooliganism, violation of the Decree of June 26, 1940 is shown. During the study period, mostly women worked on collective farms. They often did not have the opportunity to work out the workday mandatory minimum, because in the absence of a nursery, they had no one to leave babies with. Cases of non-fulfillment of the workday mandatory minimum took place mainly during the period of agricultural work. If in rural areas the people’s courts considered mainly cases of non-fulfillment of the workday mandatory minimum, then in towns the processes of violation of labor discipline — lateness and unauthorized abandonment of workplaces — prevailed. Thefts were provoked by the extreme poverty of the population. The reason for the large number of acts of hooliganism was the lack of attention of the Party and Komsomol authorities to education and organization of leisure for the young people. The primary courts also considered a large number of civil cases arising from labor, family, and housing disputes. The people’s judges knew very little about civil law and their decisions on civil cases were very often canceled. It is concluded that both criminal and civil cases, considered in the people’s courts at that time, reflected social and economic processes of the post-war period.

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Pecherskij, V. A. (2022). PEOPLE’COURTS OF THE KRASNOYARSK DISTRICT IN THE POST-WAR PERIOD (1945–1953) Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2022, №2 (46), 97. https://doi.org/10.25688/20-76-9105.2022.46.2.08
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