Home Releases 2022, №2 (46)


History of Russia: from ancient times to 1917 , UDC: 93.27: 316.36 DOI: 10.25688/20-76-9105.2022.46.2.01


  • Omelyanchuk Svetlana V. Candidate of Historical Sciences


The article discusses the evolution of ideas about women’s honor in Ancient Russia, the forms of dishonor and ways to protect women’s honor. Historiographic analysis of the problem shows that at present it has not received a final resolution either in domestic or foreign literature. The concept of honor had a gender coloring and, in relation to a woman, included the idea of her chastity and purity. In the pagan period, the preservation of chastity by a girl was not given any importance. Premarital sexual experience did not cause public condemnation and did not become an obstacle for a girl to enter into marriage. Damage to her reputation could be the neglect expressed by the groom, who abandoned the girl after a marriage conspiracy. The perception of maiden honor was greatly influenced by Christianity, with the adoption of which the process of forming new moral norms based on the exaltation of chastity begins. Ideas about the honor of a married woman have not changed. She was required to maintain unconditional fidelity to her husband. The most common types of dishonoring a woman in Russia were accusations of dissolute behavior, tearing off a headdress, beating by an outsider, inducing girls to intimacy, and rape. In the pagan period, the protection of the honor of a woman was carried out by her family, with the adoption of Christianity, this duty was assigned to the church and the state. Depending on the severity of the damage inflicted on the woman’s honor, the perpetrators were punished with fines, whipping, exile, and placement in a monastery. The degree of responsibility for dishonoring a woman also depended on the social status of the victim.

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Omelyanchuk, S. V. (2022). ON THE HONOR AND DISHONOR OF A WOMAN IN ANCIENT RUSSIA Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2022, №2 (46), 7. https://doi.org/10.25688/20-76-9105.2022.46.2.01
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