Home Releases 2021, №3 (43)


Methods of teaching history , UDC: 37.016:94(470) DOI: 10.25688/20-76-9105.2021.43.3.8


  • Tokareva Elena Anatolievna docent, Ph. D. (History)


The research is devoted to the study of crucial issues related to the formation of cultural and civic identity in the XXI century. The basis of this research is a critical analysis of legislative documents and scientific works of modern Russian and foreign scientists. The article considers the main approaches to the understanding of identity, reveals the features of the formation of civil and cultural identity in the historical education of modern Russia. The goal is to identify the basis of cultural and civic identity. Results. There is a need to clarify the existing approaches to understanding civil and cultural identity, to search for new meanings in filling the concept of identity. The researching direction, which takes into account not only political, social, cultural, but also historical components of identity, seems promising. The existing approaches to the analysis of identity in science are focused and identified on participation in society. It is obvious that identity, first of all, is the awareness of one’s belonging to society. Taking into account this cognitive component, the role of education, primarily historical, increases. Historical identity is formed primarily when studying the courses of the new and modern history of Russia: students begin to realize their belonging to the history of their own country, involvement in the experience of generations, to the epochs of the past. Historical identity becomes the basis for the formation and development of cultural and civic identity. At this moment, there is a threat of forming a negative identity among young people: a large number of texts have been published in public access on the Internet, which present a dangerous “ideological” interpretation of the history of Russia. State and administrative regulation of this process can remove the threat of forming a negative civil and cultural identity of modern Russian youth.

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Tokareva, E. A. (2021). QUESTIONS OF CULTURAL AND CIVIC IDENTITY IN MODERN HISTORICAL EDUCATION Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2021, №3 (43), 109-120. https://doi.org/10.25688/20-76-9105.2021.43.3.8
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