Home Releases 2015, №4 (20)

“What London needs is too early for Moscow.” The system of Joseph Lancaster and the Emperor Alexander I. Review of the monograph by A. A. Orlov “Schools for everyone”. The Lancaster system of education in Russia in the first quarter of the XIX century (1814-1826)” (Moscow: RIC of the Moscow State University named after M. A. Sholokhov, 2014. 200 p.: ill.)

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  • Lotmentsev Andrei Mikhailovich Ph.D. (History), docent, department of World History, Saint Tikhon's Orthodox Humanitarian University (avlot@yandex.ru).

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Lotmentsev, A. M. (2015). “What London needs is too early for Moscow.” The system of Joseph Lancaster and the Emperor Alexander I. Review of the monograph by A. A. Orlov “Schools for everyone”. The Lancaster system of education in Russia in the first quarter of the XIX century (1814-1826)” (Moscow: RIC of the Moscow State University named after M. A. Sholokhov, 2014. 200 p.: ill.) Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2015, №4 (20),
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19. 18. Whittaker C.H. The Origins of Modern Russian Education: an Intellectual Biog­raphy of Count Sergei Uvarov, 1786-1855. DeKalb (Illinois): Northern Illinois University
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