Home Releases 2015, №4 (20)

«Three Pillars of Democratization^ of the Army. Replacing the Commissioners of the Provisional Government by Bolshevik Commissars in the Russian Army in the End of 1917

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  • Luzgina Julia Sergeevna Postgraduate, department of History of Russia and Cultural Studies, M.A.Sholokhov MSHU (gysit@yandex.ru).

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Luzgina, J. S. (2015). «Three Pillars of Democratization^ of the Army. Replacing the Commissioners of the Provisional Government by Bolshevik Commissars in the Russian Army in the End of 1917 Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2015, №4 (20),
1. 1. 1917. Razlozhenie armii / Pod red. V.L. Goncharova. M.: Veche, 2010. 496 s.
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3. 3. Vtoroj Vserossijskij s''ezd sovetov rabochix i soldatskix deputatov. M.; L.: Gosizdat, 1928. 182 s.
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5. 5. Direktivy' Glavnogo komandovaniya Krasnoj Armii (1917-1920). Sbornik doku-mentov. M.: Voenizdat, 1969. 884 s.
6. 6. Konev A.M. Krasnaya Armiya na zashhite Oktyabrya. M.: Nauka, 1989. 336 s.
7. 7. Molodczy'ginM.A. Krasnaya Armiya: rozhdenie i stanovlenie, 1917-1920 gg. M.: IRI RAN, 1997. 231 s.
8. 8. Oberuchev K.M. Oficery' v russkoj revolyucii. N'yu-Jork: Pervoe russkoe izdatel'stvo v Amerike, 1918. 52 s.
9. 9. Oktyabr'skaya revolyuciya i armiya. 25 oktjabrja 1917 - mart 1918 g. Sbornik dokumentov / Pod red. L.S. Gaponenko. M.: Nauka, 1973. 456 s.
10. Sevastopol': Xronika revolyucij i grazhdanskoj vojny' 1917-1920 gg. / Pod red. V.V. Krest'yankina. Simferopol': Gosudarstvenny'j komitet arxivov Ukrainy', Gosudar-stvennyj arxiv g. Simferopolya, 2005. 294 s.
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