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The UN is Entering the Eighth Decade…

General history


  • Grishaeva Lidiya Evgenievna Doctor of History, professor, professor of department of History of Russia of XX‒XXI centuries of Historical faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University (felixg@netbynet.ru).
1. General'naya Assambleya OON naznachila Antoniu Guterrisha iz Portugalii novym General'ny'm sekretarem OON. 2016. 18 oktyabrya // «Organizaciya Ob''edinyonny'x Nacij» — oficial'ny'j sajt. URL: https://www.un.org/pga/71/ru/2016/10/18/appointment-of-the-secretary-general-of-the-united-nations-ru/ (data obrashheniya: 25.01.2017).
2. Gorozhankin V. Vy'bory' genseka. Tajny OON // MiK — Informacionnoe Agentstvo Marketinga i Konsaltinga. URL: http://iamik.ru/news/zarubezhe/52347/(data obrashheniya: 25.01.2017).
3. Grishaeva L.E. Sistemny'j krizis OON // Diplomaticheskaya sluzhba. 2015. № 2. S. 37-53.
4. Lavrov S.V Gody' na Ist-River: k yubileyu vsemirnoj Organizacii // Mezhdunarod-naya zhizn'. 2005. № 7/8. S. 3-14.
5. Churkin bez immuniteta. Zachem SShA xotyat poxoronit' OON // «Delovaya sto-licza» — ezhenedel'naya kievskaya gazeta. 2017. 27 yanvarya. URL: http://www.dsnews.ua/ world/ssha-hotyat-pohoronit-oon-26012017142600 (data obrashheniya: 25.02.2017).
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