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The Struggle between the Socialist Revolutionary Party and Bolsheviks for Influence on Soviets of Peasants' Deputies after the October Revolution of 1917

The newest history of Russia
1. Marchenkova N.P. Taktika bloka partii bol'shevikov s levymi e'serami v period podgotovki pobedy' i razvitiya Oktyabr'skoj socialisticheskoj revolyucii (na opy'te Moskovskoj oblastnoj partijnoj organizacii): dis. ... kand. ist. nauk. M., 1977. 252 s.
2. Popov V.A. Sovety' krest'yanskix deputatov Moskovskoj oblasti v 1917 - nachale 1918 gg.: avtoref. dis. ... kand. ist. nauk. M., 1993. 20 s.
3. Fel'shtinskij Yu.G. Bol'sheviki i levy'e e'sery'. Oktyabr' 1917 - iyul' 1918. Parizh: IMKA-Press, 1985. 288 s.
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