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Indian Troops on WWII Fronts: Historiographical Review

General history


  • Averin Sergei Vladimirovich Postgraduate, World History department, MCU (averin157@yandex.ru).
1. 1.   Avarin V.Ya. Bor’ba za Tixij okean. Yapono-amerikanskie protivorechiya. M.: Gospolitizdat, 1947. 470 s.
2. 2.   Istoriya Vtoroj mirovoj vojny’ 1939–1945: v 12 t. M.: Voenizdat, 1973–1982.
3. 3.   Kry’sin M.Yu. Indijskaya armiya 1939–1945. M.: AST; Astrel’, 2003. 65 s.
4. 4.   Mitchem S., Rol’f D. Vojna v Severnoj Afrike 1942–1943. M.: AST, 2002. 704 s.
5. 5.   Mozhejko I.V. Zapadny’j veter — yasnaya pogoda. M.: AST, 2001. 541 s.
6. 6.   Mostyaev Yu.N. Vklad Indii v obshhuyu pobedu soyuznikov nad stranami «osi» v gody’ Vtoroj mirovoj vojny’: dis. ... kand. ist. nauk. Ryazan’, 2012. 273 s.
7. 7.   Mostyaev Yu.N. Uchastie indijskix vojsk v Arakanskoj nastupatel’noj operacii «Anakim» // Rossijskij nauchny’j zhurnal. 2011. № 5. S. 69–75.
8. 8.   Mostyaev Yu.N. Uchastie indijskix vojsk v nastupatel’noj operacii soyuznikov v Italii v xode boev za Monte-Kassino» // Rossijskij nauchny’j zhurnal. 2011. № 6. S. 38–43.
9. 9.   Sekistov V.A. Vojna i politika. Voenno-politicheskij ocherk voenny’x dejstvij v zapadnoj Evrope i bassejne Sredizemnogo morya. 1939–1945. M.: Voenizdat, 1970. 496 s.
10. 10.   Sekistov V.A. «Strannaya vojna» v Zapadnoj Evrope i v bassejne Sredizemnogo morya (1939–1943 gg.) M.: Voenizdat, 1958. 420 s.
11. 11.   Barkawi T. Culture and Combat in the Colonies: The Indian Army in the Second World War // Journal of Contemporary History. 2006. № 2. P. 325–355.
12. 12.   Bhargava M., Sastri K. Campaigns in South-East Asia, 1941–1942. The Offcial History of the Indian Armed Forces in the Second World War, 1939‒1945. Kanpur: Combined Inter-Services Historical Section, 1960. 424 p.
13. 13.   Bharucha P. The North African Campaign, 1940–1943. The Offcial History of the Indian Armed Forces in the Second World War, 1939–1945. Calcutta: Combined Inter-Services Historical Section, 1956. 567 p.
14. 14.   Blumenson M. Salerno to Cassino. Washington: U.S. Army Center of Military History, 1969. 516 p.
15. 15.   Brett-James A. The Fifth Indian division in the Second World War. Aldershot: Gale Polden LTD, 1951. 481 p.
16. 16.   Buffetaut Y. La guerre du desert. Tobrouk. Première partie // Militaria Magazine. Les grandes batailles de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. 1992. № 3. 81 p.
17. 17.   Chappell M. The Gurkhas. Oxford: Osprey Publishing, 1995. 64 p.
18. 18.   Collins D. The Royal Indian Navy, 1939–1945. The Offcial History of the Indian Armed Forces in the Second World War, 1939‒1945. Agra: Combined Inter-Services Historical Section, 1964. 385 p.
19. 19.   Dharm P. Campaign in Western Asia. The Offcial History of the Indian Armed Forces in the Second World War, 1939‒1945. Calcutta: Combined Inter-Services Historical Section, 1957. 570 p.
20. 20.   Dunlop G. Military Economics, Culture and Logistics in the Burma Campaign, 1941–1945. London: Pickering & Chatto, 2009. 272 p.
21. 21.   Dharm P. The Campaign in Italy, 1943–1945. The Offcial History of the Indian Armed Forces in the Second World War, 1939–1945. Calcutta: Combined Inter-Services Historical Section, 1960. 699 p.
22. 22.   Ford K. El Alamein 1942. The Turning of the Tide. New York: Osprey Publishing, 2005. 96 p.
23. 23.   Ford K. Gazala 1942. Rommel’s greatest victory. New York: Osprey Publishing, 2008. 96 p.
24. 24.   Gupta S. History of the Indian Air Force, 1933–1945. The Offcial History of the Indian Armed Forces in the Second World War, 1939‒1945. Delhi: Combined Inter-Services Historical Section, 1961. 194 p.
25. 25.   History of the Second World War by Butler J. London: HMSO, 1949–1994.
26. 26.   Hoyt E. Backwater War: The Allied Campaign in Italy, 1943–1945. Westport, CT: Preager Publishers, 2002. 225 p.
27. 27.   Johnson R. The Indian Army and Internal Security 1919–1946 // The Indian Army in the Two World Wars by Roy K. Lieden & Boston: BRILL, 2011. 554 p.
28. 28.   Kempton C. Loyalty & Honour: The Indian Army: September 1939 – August 1947: in III pts. Pt. I. Divisions. Milton Keynes: The Military Press, 2003. 161 p.
29. 29.   Kempton C. Loyalty & Honour: The Indian Army: September 1939 – August 1947: in III pts. Pt. II: Brigades. Milton Keynes: The Military Press, 2003. 108 p.
30. 30.   Kempton C. Loyalty & Honour: The Indian Army: September 1939 – August 1947: in III pts. Pt. III: Deployment of regiments & battalions, higher formations, forces & columns, the army in India, maps. Milton Keynes: The Military Press, 2003. 150 p.
31. 31.   Khera P., Prasad S. The Reconquest of Burma. Vol. II: June 1944 ‒ August 1945. The Offcial History of the Indian Armed Forces in the Second World War, 1939–1945. Calcutta: Combined Inter-Services Historical Section, 1959. 566 p.
32. 32.   Lyman R. Kohima 1944. The battle that saved India. Oxford: Osprey Publishing, 2010. 96 p.
33. 33.   Mackenzie C. Eastern Epic. Vol. I: September 1939 – March 1943. Defence. London: Chatto & Windus, 1951. 623 p.
34. 34.   Madan N. The Arakan Operations, 1942‒1945. The Offcial History of the Indian Armed Forces in the Second World War, 1939‒1945. New Delhi: Combined Inter-services Historical Section, 1954. 371 p.
35. 35.   Marston D. The War in Burma: The 7/10th Baluch Experience // The Indian Army in the Two World Wars by Roy K. Lieden & Boston: BRILL, 2011. 554 p.
36. 36.   Moreman T. From the Desert Sands to the Burmese Jungle: The Indian Army and the Lessons of North Africa, September 1939 – November 1942 // The Indian Army in the Two World Wars by Roy K. Lieden & Boston: BRILL, 2011. 554 p.
37. 37.   Offcial Histories of Australia in the War of 1939–1945 by Long G. Canberra: Australian War Memorial, 1952–1977.
38. 38.   Prasad B. East African Campaign, 1940–1941. The Offcial History of the Indian Armed Forces in the Second World War, 1939‒1945. Delhi: Combined Inter-Services Historical Section, 1963. 180 p.
39. 39.   Prasad S. Expansion of the Armed Forces and Defence Organization, 1939–1945. The Offcial History of the Indian Armed Forces in the Second World War, 1939–1945. Calcutta: Combined Inter-Services Historical Section, 1956. 546 p.
40. 40.   Prasad B. The Retreat from Burma, 1941–1942. The Offcial History of the Indian Armed Forces in the Second World War, 1939–1945. New Delhi: Combined Inter-Services Historical Section, Orient Longmans, 1954. 501 p.
41. 41.   Prasad S., Bhargava K., Khera P. The Reconquest of Burma. Vol. I: June 1942 – June 1944. The Offcial History of the Indian Armed Forces in the Second World War, 1939‒1945. Calcutta: Combined Inter-Services Historical Section, 1958. 467 p.
42. 42.   Singh R. Post-War Occupation Forces: Japan and South-East Asia. The Offcial History of the Indian Armed Forces in the Second World War, 1939–1945. Kanpur: Combined Inter-Services Historical Section, 1958. 317 p.
43. 43.   Sumner I. Men at War 1914–1945. The Indian army 1914–1947. Oxford: Osprey Publishing, 1996. 17 p.
44. 44.   Sumner I. The Indian army 1914-1947. Oxford: Osprey Publishing, 2001. 65 p.
45. 45.   Taylor J. Air Supply in the Burma Campaigns. Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama: Air University USAF Historical Division Study, 1957. 163 p.
46. 46.   The Offcial History of New Zealand in the Second World War 1939–1945 by Kippenberger H. Fairbrother M. Wellington: War History Branch, Department of Internal Affairs, 1949–1986.
47. 47.   Thompson J. Forgotten Voices of Burma. London: Ebury Press, 2009. 384 p.
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