Home Releases 2015, №4 (20)

History of the Soviet Customs House in North Sakhalin in the 1920-30s

The newest history of Russia


  • Antonenko Viktorija Mikhailovna Postgraduate, department of History of Russia and World History department, Sakhalin State University (victoriasah87@ gmail.com)

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Antonenko, V. M. (2015). History of the Soviet Customs House in North Sakhalin in the 1920-30s Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2015, №4 (20),
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2. 2. Shalkus G.A. Iz istorii deyatel'nosti yaponskoj neftyanoj koncessii na Severnom Saxaline // Kraevedcheskij byulleten'. 1998. № 2. S. 20-30.
3. 3. Shalkus G.A. Sozdanie i deyatel'nost' yaponskix koncessij na Severnom Saxaline v 1925-1944 gg. // Sibirskij torgovo-e'konomicheskij zhurnal. 2008. № 7. S. 87-91.
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