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Entering of the European Communities and Post-Socialist Eastern European Countries the Path of Creation of «United» Europe: Intentions and Results

General history
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12. BangemannM. The process of European unification // Studia diplomatic. Bruxelles,
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18. Kramer H. The EC and the Stabilization of Eastern Europe // Ausseripolitik. Hamburg, 1992. Vol. 43. № 1. P. 12-21.
19. Kramer S.Ph. Western Europe's «eastern question» // World Today. L., 1991.
20. Vol. 47. № 12. P. 212-215.
21. Langguth G. The single European market: also an opportunity for Eastern Europe? // Hamburg, 1992. Vol. 43. № 2. S. 107-114.
22. RuhlL. Defense: La longue marche fr. — allem. // Rev. des deux mondes. P., 1991.
23. № 12. P. 46-58.
24. Ulrich B. Comprendre l'Europe telle qu'elle est // Le Debat. P., 2004. №№ 129. Р. 70.
25. Ungerer W. European perspectives and Central Europe // Studia diplomatic. Bruxelles, 1991. Vol. 44. № 4. P. 41-51.
26. Weidenfeld W., Huterber M. Osteuropa: Herausforderungen - Problemen -Strategien // Forschungsruppe Europa. Mainz, 1991. S. 53.
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