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On Some Parallel Ideas in the Deification of the Deads in Roman Egypt: Fusion of the Greco-Roman and Egyptian Believes

General history , UDC: 94(32) DOI: 10.25688/2076-9105.2020.38.2.4


  • Kachan Sergei Aleksandrovich Staff scientist, Centre for Egyptological Studies of Russian Academy of Sciences. E-mail: Sergey-md@list.ru

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Kachan, S. A. (2020). On Some Parallel Ideas in the Deification of the Deads in Roman Egypt: Fusion of the Greco-Roman and Egyptian Believes Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2020, №2 (38), 40-53. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9105.2020.38.2.4
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