Home Releases 2019, №3 (35)

Religious Organizations During the Civil War (on the Materials of the Urals)

The newest history of Russia , UDC: 94(47)"1917/1991" DOI: 10.25688/2076-9105.2019.35.3.04


  • Muzafarova Nelly Ilinichna Doctor of History, full professor, all-university World and Russian History department, MCU (muzafarovan@mail.ru).

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Muzafarova, N. I. (2019). Religious Organizations During the Civil War (on the Materials of the Urals) Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2019, №3 (35), 29-35. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9105.2019.35.3.04
1. 1 Ansvesul V. K. Cerkov' i grazhdanskaya vojna na Urale. Sverdlovsk: Sverdlgiz, 1937. 31 s.
2. Onufriev I. A. Grazhdanskaya vojna na Urale: vospominaniya byvshego kombriga. Sverdlovsk: Uralkniga, 1925. 86 s.
3. Spravochnaya knizhka Ekaterinburgskoj eparxii na 1915 god. Ekaterinburg: b/i, 1916. 137 s.
4. Sobraniya uzakonenij i rasporyazhenij Vremennogo Oblastnogo pravitel'stva Urala // Ural'skij oblastnik, 1991, avgust. S. 71-87.
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