Home Releases 2021, №4 (44)


History of Russia: from ancient times to 1917 , UDC: 94(470)«19» DOI: 10.25688/20-76-9105.2021.44.4.04


  • Tokareva Elena Anatolievna Ph. D., associate professor
  • Chelnokova Alla Yu. Ph. D., associate professor


The article examines the period of a short rise in the spiritual life and culture of Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century — the Silver Age — from the point of view of analyzing the socio-cultural and political-economic impact on it of events that took place throughout the European continent. At this time, saturated with revolutions, wars, the collapse of empires, the development of Russia took place synchronously with the penetration of modern ideas of European culture, political thought and economic views, which found fertile ground here. They have become a powerful factor in changing the cultural landscape of the country. Therefore, the amazing era, called the Silver Age, occupies an important place in the study of the history of complex processes of intercultural communication in the conditions of transitional periods of world development, when a profound transformation of socio-economic and other foundations of life is taking place.

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Tokareva, E. A. & Chelnokova, A. Y. (2021). EUROPEAN CONTEXT OF THE SILVER AGE RUSSIAN CULTURE Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2021, №4 (44), 44. https://doi.org/10.25688/20-76-9105.2021.44.4.04
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