- Ogorodnikova Olga Aleksandrovna Candidate of Historical Sciences, associate professor
The dramatic works of Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller, which occupied a leading place in the European classical repertoire of the imperial stage, enjoyed unflagging public attention in Russia throughout the 19th century. During the period under review, seven plays by the German playwright were staged, not in alterations, of which there were many, but on the basis of a relatively complete translation of the author’s text. This article is devoted to the fate of one of them — the “philistine tragedy” “Love and intrigue”, which became the starting point in the development of Schiller’s dramaturgy by the domestic theater. The stage history of the play, presented over the course of a century in numerous Moscow and St. Petersburg versions, including the Maly and Alexandrinsky theaters, is considered. The critical reception of productions, including actors’ interpretations of Schiller’s characters, in the cultural space of Russian capitals is analyzed. The censorship history of the tragedy is traced during the 19th century. who did not leave the imperial stage for a long time, but did not occupy a stable position in the repertoire, mainly due to numerous restrictive measures that affected the “freedom-loving rebel” more than all other German playwrights. The opposition to censorship repressions of representatives of the Russian theater world has been revealed, thanks to which, in conditions of softening political reaction, the tragedy “Love and intrigue” invariably returned to its audience.
To reconstruct forgotten performances and the historical context of the productions, unpublished official documents and periodical materials that were not previously included in scientific circulation were used.
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Ogorodnikova, O. A. (2024). F. SCHILLER’S TRAGEDY «LOVE AND INTRIGUE» IN THE THEATRICAL SPACE OF RUSSIAN CAPITALS (19th CENTURY) Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 4 (56), 37.
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