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History of Russia: from ancient times to 1917 , UDC: 357.135: 94(47).046


  • Malov Alexander V. Candidate of Historical Sciences


The article is devoted to the 390th anniversary of the earliest use of the word “officers” in the Russian language. This fact is an archival find of the author, which dates this name of the commanders (“nachalnyje ludi”) to about 70 years earlier than the generally recognized one. Then, during the last decade of the XVII century, this term suddenly began to be used in documents in parallel with commanders (“nachalnyje ludi”), and in the 1st decade of the XVIII century it became entrenched in the Russian language in its modern meaning, completely displacing the former term. Russian literature explores all the circumstances of this first case of the use of this term in business Russian writing in the conditions of the Smolensk War of 1632–1634, with its accompanying large intervention into the Russian language of a significant number of new terms and concepts that denoted both fundamentally new and previously existing phenomena of war and military organization.

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Malov, A. V. (2024). ABOUT THE TIME WHEN THE WORD “OFFICERS” APPEARED IN RUSSIA: TO MARK THE 390th ANNIVERSARY OF ITS FIRST DOCUMENTED WRITTEN USE IN RUSSIAN Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 3 (55),
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