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General history , UDC: 94(44).028/029 DOI: 10.25688/20-76-9105.2024.54.2.11


  • Krylova Yulia Petrovna Ph. D.


Thе article analyses two texts relevant to the French royal court. They describe almost simultaneous events that took place in 1501 and 1502. In 1501, King Louis XII and Anne of Brittany received a visit from the Archduke Philip of Austria and his wife Juana the Mad, heiress to the Kingdom of Castile. In 1502, the future Queen of Hungary, Anne de Foix-Candal, a cousin of Anne of Brittany, left the court with a solemn procession. The first lady was heading to Spain to enter into an inheritance, the second one — to Hungary to marry a king. The central figures of both journeys, the ladies of royalty, appear virtually silent during the long journey. Surrounded in both cases by thousands of people in endlessly long caravans, being the epicenter of the events for which everything happened, they are nevertheless silent under the pen of both chroniclers. The article examines the reasons that caused this circumstance: is it authorial strategy, gender discrimination, individual characteristics of the heroines or court etiquette? It is concluded that in travel reports as an official genre, it becomes important to describe the observance of court ceremonial, and their protagonists are important not as individuals but as bearers of royal status.

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Krylova, Y. P. (2024). DOES THE QUEEN TRAVEL IN SILENCE? PECULIARITIES OF ROYAL PERSONAGES’ PROGRESS IN THE LATE MIDDLE AGES Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 2 (54), 166. https://doi.org/10.25688/20-76-9105.2024.54.2.11
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